Sunday, July 26, 2009

finally moving to mango blog

there will be some downtime as I finally move my blog over

Monday, June 29, 2009

coldfusion custom debug

my own coldBox inspired debug output
coldfusion Debug - josh style

check it out, I'll work on it occasionally

Monday, June 08, 2009

IE Stretchy Button

reference for the future

Internet Explorer problems with buttons have nothing to do with margins or paddings but with overflow


Sunday, May 31, 2009

Points to Ponder for Good Listening

  1. Stop Talking
    You can't listen if you're talking.
  2. Put Speakers At Ease
    Help them feel they're free to talk.  This is often called a permissive environment.
  3. Show That You Want To Listen
    Look and act interested (even if they can't see you).  Don't read mail while the other person talks.  Listen to understand rather than to oppose.
  4. Remove Distractions
    Don't doodle, tap or shuffle papers.  What can you do to make it quieter?
  5. Empathize With the Speaker
    Try to put yourself in the speaker's place so you can see his/her point of view.  Say things like "I imagine I'd have questions about this, too." or "I know if this happened to me, I'd probably be upset."
  6. Be Patient
    Don't start to end the conversation before the speaker is ready.  Allow plenty of time.  Don't interrupt.
  7. Hold Your Temper
    Anger creates the wrong meaning from words.
  8. Go Easy on Argument and Criticism
    Arguing and criticizing put the other person on the defensive.  They may stop talking or get angry.
  9. Ask Questions
    This encourages and shows you're listening.  It helps develop other points.
  10. Stop Talking
    This is first and last – because all other points depend on it.  You just can't do a good listening job while you're talking.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Troubles calling form.submit()

Apparently you can't have an element with an id of submit in a form and call form.submit()

It will try calling that element as a function rather than invoking the form.submit method

<form onsubmit="agree();return false;">

<div class="buttons">

<input type="submit" name="iAgree" id="iAgree" value="I Agree" class="button" />

<input type="button" name="disAgree" id="disAgree" value="Cancel" class="button" onClick="tb_remove();" />


agree is not a function
<input type="submit" name="agree" id="agree" value="I Agree" class="button" />

so if the form has an element named agree
agree is not a valid function name in the onsubmit

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Google Code

I have started to play around with creating a project on and now have a project setup at
this Generator will generate DAO, beans, controllers, the edit page, the grid page, along with the folder structure. Check it out to learn more, it still is a work in progress but I think its a good start to just exploring some Coldfusion fun.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

css3 rounded corners

mostly so Allison would remember

something along -moz-border-radius:3px 5px 3px 5px,-webkit-border-radius:3px 5px 3px 5px;border-radius:3px 5px 3px 5px, covers the more entertaining browsers