Saturday, August 18, 2007

Arms Wide Open

I've been working on this blog entry for a while so bear with me for a bit.

The back story would be my current girlfriend that I have been dating for a while, whose name is Ashley, has become pregnant.

I have been thinking a lot of where my life will take me and if I am ready to fully take care of two people. I know how to take care of a child. Just the woman I am not sure if I know what to do. I know I just gotta keep strong and be what I can to take care of them the best that I can. Many things will change in a short time it seems. I just can't let the insecurities get the better of me that any father that isn't ready for it has. I am really excited, I just don't know if I can be the man I have to be. Within in my heart is so much hope for the future and I just have so many hopes that I can really do all the things expected of me.

A huge change for me is for one of the few times of my life I am so uncertain of the future and down right scared so many times that I almost think I could break down, but I know I won't because I just don't work that way. So much dedication flows through my bones right now that I know I can't be careless, now more than ever, but I know that if I do focus upon anything for too long I will get clumsy and start slipping. I realize things might be tough for Ashley and me for a while.
The sacrifices that I am trying to make is for the long run as I try to adjust to my current situation so I do apologize ahead of time for disappointing anybody out there. Anyone that knows me well enough will see that I get much joy of helping someone and same with entertaining children. Now I get the blessing of having one of my own and theres this strange comfort that comes over me that also calms me at the same time. Now to help change the world yet again, no matter how small it may seem.

Till next time with more code examples

Anonymous said...

To the nomad a traveler carefree, and happy with with what ever comes his way. As Spring comes to blossom may new adventures, and travels bestow butterfly blessings to all that is precious to you. Your friends will always be there and hope to help be part of this new adventures as they come. Once the quake has settled great new things will be found.

To only understand hlml= H-help L-live M-my L-life to be without would be so dull. Life is a code once we understand it life is a bit more enjoyable and serene.

Unknown said...

Good luck with all that is happening in your new life. Remember life is a long road and you will hit a few bombs along the way but you will make it in the end. If you need anything call me any time day of night. I will help any way I can. I will not forget you. Brett Peterson

Ryan Vikander said...

actually...HTML stands for hyper text markup Josh, you should know that I am always going to be here for you as a friend should be. If you need any support I will try my darndest to help.

Anonymous said...

html.. ya, i know.. but i had to put a deep meaning to it lol. even if i forgot the t ... right mr.domesticated...

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